Thoughts on learning

My name is Joe Nucifora and I teach Diploma of Screen Media (VET) at The Australian Performing Arts Conservatory in Brisbane. As the institute will be teaching Higher Education next year I will be looking forward in finding ways to combine  face to face, practical and online collaboration and learning and assessments for the students. I am looking forward to learning more about available technologies and hopefully be able to use the appropriate technology to better my students skills and make my teaching much more enjoyable and manageable.

When I first started teaching three years ago I was introduced to a class to teach face to face in the old school method where I would feed the class verbally, read or illustrate the information that I wanted the students to have then the students would take notes, following the text book and reconstruct what was taught in class. Homework was the exercise of the day and the learning was the reciting and memorizing the information for next days quizzing. The days of learning have changed greatly with technology.

Every aspect of our lives is driven by some kind of technology from small electronic devices, vehicles and aircrafts, ships, automation and education. In the last two decades children have been introduced to  computers, tablets, mobile phones as well as communicate with their friend via Twitter, Facebook, email just to mention a few and surf the whole wide world with Google, Firefox, Opera etc.

Learning for students need to be inspired and guided with knowledge and essential skills within their chosen field of work, able to collaborate with their colleagues without being ridiculed and in peaceful manner, and enhance their knowledge and practices through technology.

I will leave you with a video I happened to come across which is simple and brings the message across that the future is based on technology in every aspect of our lives.


  1. Hi Joe
    Did you mean that the course will be fully online or that you will use a variety of online resources for your students? Have you seen the articles on microblogging using twitter to engage student discussions?

  2. Hi Joe,

    I hope you are enjoying the unit. You make some great points so all the best with finding a technology to assist you in your classroom.


  3. Hi Joe,

    Very interesting and lots of room for you to experiment.




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